Our Very Present Help.

Our Very Present Help.
Adams did not know how he was going to survive the week. It was just Sunday evening and He already felt exhausted.

His professional exam was starting with four papers this week. He has two job interviews slated for Monday and Tuesday mornings. His mum is scheduled to have an operation on Wednesday and being the only child around, he has to be there for her in the hospital.

And as if all that was not enough, He still needs to raise his share of the hospital bill. That will mean he has to take on some work that will bring in money.

How would he be able to raise #250,000 within a few days? He wished his mum had informed him about the operation earlier, he would have been saving towards it. But the poor woman didn’t want to bother him, she had kept the news of her cancer diagnosis to herself until it was almost too late. Adams said a quick prayer for his mum.

Adams eyes rested on the center table in his living room and caught his red diary, he picked it up. An alarm went off in His mind as he remembered that he actually has two invites to minister God’s word during the week. One was at a Prayer retreat on Thursday evening, and the other was for him to minister at a Youth Conference on Saturday.

He dropped the diary as if it was some hot coal and sank into a nearby chair. He was simply overwhelmed.

How was He supposed to manage all these? He felt like hiding in a hole and coming out only after the week was done. He wished he could just hibernate himself somehow. Right at that moment, a scripture came to mind and he knew just what to do to scale through the week unscathed.

One interesting fact is that we all have times when we just feel like disappearing. It might be because of overwhelming responsibilities, work pressure, unreasonable expectations from people around us, emotional or psychological situations, being broke or just because our daily living has become a mere routine and things are just too normal and dry.

We all respond to situations like that in different ways. Crying, overworking, drinking or partying. Some (like me) try silly things like entering into a fictitious world. So, whenever I’m tired of being Toluwani, for whatever reason, I just pick up a novel and I switch into the world of the book, using fiction as an escape.

However, it is also interesting to note that none of these methods really works for long.

Whether you run away from your challenges using something strong like alcohol or mild like fiction, the palliative soon wears off.

The only enduring solution is to enlist the help of God for your situation. God is a very present help. Ever available, always ready to assist. If only you will call. His Angels will carry you and you won’t dash your foot against a stone.

If you are a child of God, that Help is presently near you. It is foolishness to be struggling to lift a big bowl of water when there is someone around who can place it on your head , or better still carry it for you. That person is Jesus, ask Him to help you now.
Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 46:2 Therefore will not we fear…
JesusCaresAndSoDoI- TiToluwaNiMi.

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